Enercon (Barneveld, Hybride)
Zon, wind en water, de wereld beschikt over onbegrensde energiebronnen. ENERCON heeft de uitdaging aangenomen om deze duurzame energiebronnen op verantwoorde wijze om te zetten naar bruikbare energie. Met aanwezigheid in 36 landen en productiefaciliteiten op drie continenten werken zeer gemotiveerde medewerkers aan het mondiale ondernemerssucces van ENERCON. Al jarenlang produceert ENERCON hightech windenergie installaties die zich kenmerken door zeer innovatieve techniek en hoogste kwaliteit.
ENERCON has been one of the technology leaders in the wind power sector for 40 years. As the first manufacturer of wind turbines, the company used a gearless drive concept that is a characteristic of all ENERCON wind turbines. ENERCON is also at the forefront in other areas, such as rotor blade design, control technology, grid connection technology, and with its wide range of technological new developments, proves its innovative strength time and again.
Functional Safety Engineer (m/f/d)
Innovative ideas are the hallmark of our successes and move us on. We are passionate about realizing wind energy projects across the globe and meeting tomorrow's energy technology challenges. You and your engagement can make a contribution to shape the future of renewable energies.
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Contact Details
Florian Dzengel
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